Here is the new interview of Edu Falaschi for Universo Do rock website. The English translation was made by www.edufalaschi.com.br and you can check the original text in Portuguese here : http://www.universodorock.com/entrevistas/entrevista.asp?cod=308.
In the interview, Edu tells about many interesting details of Aqua, the current moment of Angra, the upcoming World Tour and the future of Almah.
Universo do Rock : - What's your impression about the new CD?
Edu Falaschi : I believe that this album really saves the spirit of Angra. "Aurora Consurgens" is a good CD, but it loses the main conception of the band a little bit, and then "Aqua" rescues it. It has a pinch of "Rebirth" because the songs are simpler, and some partly melancholy prog hue in the vein of "Temple of Shadows", but it's different from Dream Theater, and it has nothing to do with weariness. The term prog in this case means that it has various parts, diverse types of atmosphere. This album also rescues a part of old Angra, "Holy Land", and "Temple of Shadows" itself.
Universo do Rock : - Was the composing process managed according to the fan's expectations or independently from them?
Edu Falaschi : It's clear that with such a long experience we have an idea what our fans would like to hear and we put it together with what we want ourselves. We wouldn't do any album for the others, if we couldn't join it. We try to play what we want, making a balance with what people want to hear, but we?re always finding the way to incline it to our side, otherwise it would look forced. I try to sing in the way I like, they give me this kind of freedom and I do it in my way.
Universo do Rock : - Felipe told that you had an opportunity to be involved in all the activities in relation with this CD, how did you find it?
Edu Falaschi : I believe that this album has been done involving the whole band, as never before. With "Rebirth" I entered the band when everything had been half-done. Then, working at "Temple of Shadows", we were closer, but Rafael already had the whole concept in his head, and he wrote all the lyrics. And while making "Aurora Consurgens", all the band was really tired, it was after a huge tour, we didn't work so much at the songs as we could have, and due to all these circumstances the result was not so great in comparison with the others. "Aqua" has the lyrics from the whole band and everyone participated in composition, including Ricardo. Everybody read The Tempest, we discussed the text. It's more a CD done by the whole band than ever before.
Universo do Rock : - What kind of fans' reaction do you expect?
Edu Falaschi : I think they need to pay attention and understand that Angra is back to the roots.
Universo do Rock : - Have you read opinions about the CD?
Edu Falaschi : Yes, from many people in the Internet already. Everyone has his own impression: some people hear the prog, others find that the album is more direct. I would only want people to listen to it several times, since it's not a CD which is understandable from the first listening, and then to make their own conclusions. But I believe that this CD is a significant album in Angra's history and it has everything to be among the great classics.
Universo do Rock : - Are you going now to Brazilian tour and then abroad?
Edu Falaschi : We are going to begin with the shows here, in Brazil. In October we are going to Japan, Taiwan, then - back to Brazil to play more concerts. In January we are going to USA and then we should go down to Mexico and to a few countries of Latin America. And maybe in February we'll go to Europe.
Universo do Rock : - Will it be only Angra or with some other band?
Edu Falaschi : We received an invitation to play with Stratovarius and Helloween, it would be a real power metal trio. We are checking the possibility, maybe it will work.
Universo do Rock : - How do you feel about the band?
Edu Falaschi : I'm quite satisfied. Everyone has been working hard and it hasn't been easy, because we have five gurus with many ideas. I came up with about 15 songs for this album, but it couldn't be only my CD, so you can understand that it's difficult to choose a little from everyone, right? It's difficult to work when everybody is so prolific, isn't it? The good side is, the band is able to do really much and we are happy.
Universo do Rock : - You stayed in the countryside for some time, did you compose songs there?
Edu Falaschi : We stayed in the house of Confessori where we did all the pre-production and arrangements, we rehearsed the songs there and prepared everything for the recording.
Universo do Rock : - You have another band Almah, how are you going to manage both things now, when Angra is back for 100 per cent?
Edu Falaschi : It's clear that now Angra is a priority, but if some opportunity for Almah appears, we will use it. We played in Belo Horizonte and Brasilia this year. When Angra was back, I talked about it with the guys, explaining that we had to take a break and they understood. Moreover, we have already done a lot of things, so it's time to stop for a while and to compose songs for the new album. I'm going to perform with Angra, but I'm already writing new songs for the new Almah.
Universo do Rock : - And how much time will it take to launch the CD?
Edu Falaschi : I don't know yet. We are collecting ideas, we are composing, and then we'll decide when the right moment comes.
Universo do Rock : - Leave a message for the fans of Angra.
Edu Falaschi : I would like to thank you a lot for all the patience and love, we haven't released any album for 4 years, but you haven't given us up. The latest shows were sold out, we came back and our public was back as well, and all what I can do now is say - thanks a lot!
For more news : Universo do Rock / Edu Falaschi Official website