Almah European Fan-Club offers you its novelties of the month !
This month, the first issue of the "Beyond Tomorrow Webzine" is available on our website ! More than 25 pages about Almah, available every three months (aperiodic outflow according to the band's news). In this first issue, Almah France offers you to back in the genesis of the Almah’s masterpiece, Fragile Equality ! Birth of the band, composing process, recording sessions, artwork and concept of the album will be related in this first issue, supported by comments from Almah’s members themselves and many pics of the band at work !
The artwork of the cover is signed by Marcelo Moreira !
The artwork of the cover is signed by Marcelo Moreira !
You can also register yourself now to the Newsletter of the Fan-Club, even if you're not a member! You'll receive at the beginning of each month by mail, the latest news from the Fan- Club and the latest news of the band ! To register yourself, simply visit the homepage of the Fan Club!
The Fan-Club also offers you new wallpapers of the band in downloading, and a new topic with ringtones of the best Almah's riffs in downloading !
"The Fan-Club still has a lot of novelties for you ! Stay tuned !
The Almah France Webmaster."
For more news : Almah France Fan-Club