Here is the Angra 's set-list in Maceio (Brazil), on last August 07th ...
- 1 Unfinished Allegro
- 2 Carry On
- 3 Nova Era
- 4 Silence And Distance
- 5 Angels Cry
- 6 Lisbon
- 7 Bleeding Heart
- 8 The Course Of Nature
- 9 Milleniun Sun
- 10 The Voice Commanding You
- 11 Nothing To Say
- 12 Rebirth
- 13 Deus Le Volt
- 14 Spread Your Fire
... and the first pics of the concert extracts from the galleries of Anderson (Orkut), Danielle (Orkut) and Satangos (Flick) :

... and finally a home video of "Bleeding Heart" from fernandoaristeu (Youtube) :
To watch all the Angra's pics, go on Angra France French Blog !