Here is an English translation (sorry for my bad English) of the first part of the interview, stay tuned forthe rest!
"Almah released his second studio album, « Fragile Equality », which was very well received by critics and public. Best know to have in his line-up the lead singer of Angra, Edu Falaschi, the band has been totally reformed to lauch his second album, with Felipe Andreoli (bass), Marcelo Barbosa (guitar), Paulo Schroeber (guiatr) and Marcelo Moreira (drums). The band recentily arrived from Northeast where he made the launching tour of “Fragile equality”. According to the singer Edu Falaschi, they had a great response from the public and consider the North as the “metal national fortress”. Novo Metal spoke with him about the lauch of the album, the national tour and plans of an international tour, among others ...
Novo Metal : How is the impact of Fragile Equality in Brazil and abroad ?
Edu Falaschi : We are very happy with the “reviews” form Brazil, Europe and Japan. It’s very rewarding to make an album and see that people understood what you wanted to say. “Fragile Equality” is considered one of the best releases of 2008 and we were very flattered.
Novo Metal : How did you choosen the musicians to form the band ?
Edu Falaschi : Felipe (Andreoli – bass) has been with me for many years, it was natural because of our friendship and our similar music taste. For the other members, the three main reasons was : character, professionalism and talent.
Novo Metal : With the first album, what has changed in you as musician and composer ?
Edu Falaschi : Actually everything, because I always try to evolve and learn a lot, so even if the change is minimal, it made a difference in my life. In this album I could explore further my side as a producer, composer, singer and arranger, in addition to writing all the orchestrations much elaborate than before. It was a great joy to hear the all album and saw the final performance.
Novo Metal : The concept of the album is about the balance in the relations of daily life and in the universe more generaly. What led you to write about it ?
Edu Falaschi : The lyrics based on the story of “Fragile Equality – Equinoxe Book 1”, a manga book that talks about that. Felipe was also very strong for the lyrics and even influencing me in some way for the book because I’m still working on it, slowly and without haste.
Novo Metal : During the recording of Fragile Equality, it was said that Mike Stone (Queensrÿche) partipated on one track, but his name don’t appears. What happened ?
Edu Falaschi : He recorded the first Almah’s album and was great ! Mike is a great person and a fantastic musician, but we decided to focus on the official line-up of the band.
Novo metal : Recently, the bassist Felipe Andreoli said in an interview that the song “Torn” was almost out of the album. Why and who decided to include it ?
Edu Falaschi : After I finished demos, I found it very different from the others, but afer I added “Fragile Equality”, everything felt right.
Novo Metal : You’re much more comfortable to sing in this album, and this is one of the features discussed in reviews and interviews, always in a positive way. What do you think about this recognition ? Do you think you can keep this way of singing in Angra ?
Edu Falaschi : Yes, as in Symbols, where I was much more aggressive in the way of singing. Angra has many characteristics and I don’t know if it felt good to sing very aggressiveI have full freedom to decide how I sing, but I even think that in Angra I have to sing cleaner in general."
Interview by Monica Fontes.
The rest of the interview will be translated and published on the blog this week!
For more news : Novo Metal